Community Hydro Services

We plan and implement all aspects of small-scale hydroelectric projects.

Preliminary Site Assessments (PSA) - This affordable service is a partnership with your municipality and Community Hydro. Our detailed guide will help you investigate your site's potential for small-scale hydro development. We use the information you provide to calculate design flows and power output. The cost of the PSA is credited toward the project's Feasibility Analysis.

Feasibility Analyses - This comprehensive analysis includes detailed estimates of power and energy output, system design, interconnection, regulatory regime, financial feasiblity and barriers to development.

Financing - We'll identify capital and operating costs as well as potential funding sources (including municipal bonding). Many projects are not completed due to lack of financing. Our team includes consultants with years of experience in getting projects off the ground.

Permitting - Our full-service permitting expertise covers local, state and federal permits.

Project Coordination - Assistance with purchase and installation of equipment, utility negotiation, interconnection with grid, sale of power (either as purchase power with the utility or net-metering) and sale of renewable energy credits (and greenhouse gas emission credits when possible).

Equipment - Finding the equipment suitable to your site can be difficult. Community Hydro maintains relationships with manufacturers of reliable turbines for both low-head and high-head applications. We work closely with Nautilus Turbines. Nautilus is scaling up its low-head designs for projects of up to 500 KW.

Hydroelectric Plant Installation - Our team will work with your contractors or provide our own for professional site installation.

School Curriculum - Community Hydro works with schools to promote the benefits of energy conservation (including lower property tax rates) and to build support for small-scale hydro power within the community. The goal is to work with a small, core group of students interested in math, science and engineering throughout the life of the project. Students would work on real-life project to develop skills for understanding and solving real-world problems. Here are a few more curriculum details.

Community Hydro, LLC
113 Bartlett Road • Plainfield, VT 05667